Happy Birthday Blog!

My blog is 5!

Oh my gosh, if my blog were a person it would be going to kindergarten in the Fall. Ugh. Well that took an unexpected turn early on. My point is that it's easy for me to think of this blog as a person because I think about it constantly. I'm always worried that I'm neglecting it, I pour myself into it, I worry that it's not interesting and no one will like it. I love this blog like I love the people in my life.

And it's a huge part of my life. It is my life in some form. My last 5 years are recorded here. So much has happened since that first post where I claimed my place on the Internet. The good and the ugly, it's all here somewhere. Some recipes, mostly mishaps, lots of confessions, the two years when I said nothing because I was so lost I not only had nothing to write about, but was so worried I had actually disappeared into nothing. But I didn't and now we're here! I write at this blog at least once a week, I write everyday at brelby.com/brelby-blog, I have friends and passion both of which has made all that fuzzy stuff fade. I'm so glad Chavez called me basic in September! I was ready to start writing here again, I just needed someone to give me a push.

I've thought a lot about whether or not this is an anniversary or a birthday, and I love birthdays plus you get cake on a birthday, so I'm calling this a birthday AND I made a cake!

Yeah yeah... 5 years! 5 years, guys! I couldn't let such a momentous occasion go by without cake!

Sigh... I try so hard! I really do! It tastes amazing, but it looks like this. It's a hot pink chocolate mess... just like me. We're perfect for each other! It's just a basic yellow cake with a strawberry chocolate ganache and vanilla whipped frosting and...

...ombre layers!! One day I might get it right... but for now i'll just have to accept that while the cake may not look perfect, it's good enough.

So happy birthday little blog! I sure do love you! And to you, everyone who reads this, who participates in the discussions on Facebook every Tuesday and takes time to tell me they like the blog, thank you! It's cathartic for me to write, and to share it with anyone has been really special. I'm so grateful.


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