Making Whoopsadoos Confessions.

I don't cook a lot. I know how to make basic things, eggs, I can cook meat even though I don't eat it; but I never had time when I first moved out on my own because I was in grad school. I lived on PB&J and soup. But sometime last year, I figured out how to make sauce. Like really good pasta sauces and now I consider myself a great cook.

I figured out how to do one thing and am suddenly genius in the kitchen!

I was always a good baker. Baking has always made sense to me, probably because I have a deep emotional connection with cupcakes. I make incredible cheesecakes, I'm trying really hard to step up my cake game and am trying fancy frosting techniques, I make caramel and toffee from scratch! Once, I made Seven Layer cookies that an Italian family from New Jersey loved! Even so, some things baking just elude me. I cannot for the life of me make a meringue of any kind! I'm terrified to even attempt macarons, but I did try to make something funny for my birthday one year and...

Confession: I set my oven on fire baking whoopie pies.

My birthday is on Valentine's Day and I love hosting. I LOVE it when people come to my place and we play games and drink wine, and eat food that I've made (or unthawed and heated), but I'm always proud of my desserts. I make them from scratch. I take them very seriously.

And a few years ago I thought I'd make whoopie pies because I thought it would be funny. Valentine's Day, making whoopie...pies? No. OK.

But I didn't realize there was a difference between parchment and wax paper.

There is, in case you were unaware.

Wax is flammable.

Guess which one I had.

I set my oven on fire on my 25th birthday, making red velvet whoopie pies.


I thought the cakes themselves had burned because I was also making cosmo cupcakes, and spent more time thinking about sprinkles than I should have. So I opened the door and aired out the room, tossed the burned ones, laid down a new sheet of wax paper and tried again.

Oven flames get really big.

What dumb things have you done in the kitchen? Give me the good stuff, the gave-everyone-salmonella stories! It's Confession Tuesday again! Who can't cook! Tell me everything!


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