Happy Confession Tuesday to You!

By now, I'm sure you all know that I am a rebel. I mean, obviously. There are plenty of social mores that I do subscribe to, but if I want to read a bit of a book before I buy it, I'm going to pop a squat in the aisle and read it right there and to hell with the consequences (stink eye from Barnes and Noble personnel usually). And yesterday, it was a friends birthday and I realize that I never fully engage in birthday festivities, no matter how much I love the person/birthdays.

Confession: I never sing "Happy Birthday" with the rest of the group.

I hate the 'Happy Birthday' song. I love birthdays, but cannot wait for the singing part to be over. Well, most of the time. See, when it's my birthday I only like when my family sings to me, because my Mom puts so much effort into it like she's trying to rally the troops, and my sisters sing in different octaves. It's just lovely. But when other people sing to me on my birthday, I sit awkwardly and stare at them. What do you do with your hands when someone sings to you? Do you smile the whole time? How much eye contact is appropriate?

And when it's your birthday well... I love surprising people, I'm probably a bit mean and want to scare everyone on their birthday because I'd laugh, but it's not about me. I just love a birthday, celebrating another year of life with someone is so special! But I completely dread the moment someone decides to start the song. What key are they going to choose? How fast are they going to go? I'll tell you something, they can't go fast enough and it usually turns into a slow march to the gallows. I just can't sing with everyone, and I don't think I ever do. I try and start, and give up, which honestly is probably weirder than struggling through it. It's amazing to me how no matter who starts the song, the key is always simultaneously too high and too low for me to sing.

Confession Tuesday guys! What social mores (The accepted traditional customs and usages of a particular social group) do you break? You'll feel better once you admit it!

Also... I love this part. It's from Frasier and I could only find this bizarre little clip, but the singing is atrocious and his reaction is pretty much me. Enjoy!


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