Confessions of a Hoarder

I had a lot of favorite books when I was a kid (read that as every book I picked up was a favorite), but I read one about a girl who goes to visit her grandma and goes through all of her old grandma stuff but one of her favorite things to do is go through the button basket. This grandma kept a basket full of buttons that had fallen off of garments or were used to make certain pieces. The book was all about the grandma telling the stories associated with the buttons and I just loved it. I was so captivated with those stories. I wanted a button basket.  

Confession: I haven't thrown away a button ever.

Oh, don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean I have a cute button basket with lots of great stories attached to them. No, I have random buttons and the buttons in bags just everywhere. There's at least one in every drawer. I'm not even going to get into what my jewelry box looks like.

The whole point of the grandma button basket was to tell great stories about the pearl buttons that were hand sewn onto Jenny's wedding dress, or the snap that fell off of Uncle Jim's pants when he was leading communion in church. Mine are the ones that came with the pants I bought from New York and Company and couldn't bring myself to throw it away because the little girl in my head that apparently makes all my decisions refuses to give up on the grandma button basket idea.

Is this enchanting at all? Like an endearing thing to hoard? A whimsical reason to hoard? Is there such a thing as lovable hoarding?

Any fellow hoarders out there? Anyone keep super random things? Tell me! Make me feel less weird!


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