I've Got Another Confession To Make...

I've been thinking about adding some kind of "confession section" to this blog, even though the entire thing is kind of a confessional.

I mean, isn't it? I try and figure life out and in the process confess, through embarrassing true stories, that I'm basically flailing through life.

Well. We'll give it the old college try.

Confession: I have really weird thoughts.

When I moved into my first apartment I was afraid to sit on the floor because I thought if my downstairs neighbor shot himself, the bullet would come through the ceiling and kill me.

Even now, it takes me about 2 weeks, maybe 3, to get comfortable sitting on the floor in a new apartment.

What do you think? Short confessions like so, every week? Leave a comment if you like it and let me know what kinds of weird things you think about.


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